New Jersey Institute of Technology
Department of Mathematical Sciences

Capstone Laboratory

Computational Topology Methods Applied to Pore-based Filters

This project is supported in part by the NSF Grant No. DMS - 2201627.

Instructor: Lou Kondic

Lab Assistant: Joseph D'Addesa

This Capstone project focuses on the application of computational topology to the networks formulated by our current PhD candidate Matt Illingworth (in collaboration with our former student Binan Gu). Such networks (see Figure 1, from J. Membrane Sci. 657 120668 (2022)) are used as a proxy for filters used in applications. The focus of the project is on computing topological measures describing the geometry of the pore networks. The students have carried out such computations and have also learned about the basics of computational topology. The resulting measures quantifying the geometry of the networks are then compared to the filtration performance. .

We thank Binan Gu (at WPI as of Spring 2023) and PhD student Matt Illingworth (Department of Mathematical Sciences, NJIT) for providing network data and helping with data processing.