The Department of Mathematical Sciences (DMS) and the Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics (CAMS) have developed the Capstone Laboratory. This Laboratory has been supported through the years by multiple equipment grants from the National Sciences Foundation, as well as by NJIT and individual research grants.
The Laboratory serves multiple purposes, with the main focus on supporting the undergraduate capstone course. The course provides an opportunity for students to synthesize the knowledge gained during their undergraduate experience by combining mathematical modeling and theoretical analysis with computational analysis, and physical experiments. In addition, the Laboratory facilities has been used for carrying out more advanced research projects by the Phd candidates in the DMS and by the postdoctoral associates and faculty in DMS and CAMS. These research projects have often been vertically integrated, and have led to research publications that have ether directly involved undergraduate students, or that have evolved from the projects involving undergrads. Some representative publications and presentations are listed here and at the Publications & Presentations page.
Recent News
Jul 2021: Capstone project from 2018 published in J. Fluid. Mechanics!
Congrats to the 2018 Cohort for their hard work. [link]
Nov 2020: The paper by Capstone students Mitevski, Vujkovac, Illingworth published
in J. Membrane Science. Congrats! [link]
Nov 2020: Capstone project from 2017 including our own Capstone student
Dylan Renaud published in J. Fluid Mechanics. Congrats Dyan
and all the authors [link]
Dec 2018: Final presentations Fall 2018 [link]
Nov 2018: Congrats to Catherine Souza on the travel award to present her
work at DFD APS meeting in Atlanta.
Jun 2018: Ivan, Ines, and Michael are spending three weeks at Oxford (UK) working with Prof. Griffiths on extension of their project. Way to go!
May 2018: Congratulations to Catherine Souza on Provost Fellowship!
Mar 2018: Congratulations to Dylan Renaud on acceptance to Physics PhD program at Harvard!