Shah, S.; Gomez, A. M.; Jalali, P.; and Kondic, L.., Origins of the reverse Janssen effect, Phys. Rev. E, 110, 064901, (2024)
Adriazola, J.; Gu, B.; Cummings, L. J.; and Kondic, L., Fractal dimension of non-Newtonian Hele-Shaw flow subject to Saffman-Taylor instability, Phys. Rev. E, 110, 065107, (2024)
Diez, J.A.; González, A.G.; and Kondic, L., On dewetting and concentration evolution of thin binary fluid films, J. Fluid Mech., 999, A55, (2024)
Allaire, R.; Cummings, L. J.; and Kondic, L., Using Thermal Crowding to Direct Pattern Formation on the Nanoscale, Phys. Rev. Lett., 133, 214003, (2024)
K. Taghizadeh, S. Luding, R. Basak, L. Kondic, Understanding slow compression of frictional granular particles by network analysis, Soft Matter, 20, 6440-6457, (2024)
L. Kovalcinova, A. Taranto, and L. Kondic, Properties of interaction networks in compressed two and three dimensional particulate systems, Granu. Matter, 26, 1-15, (2024)
Selected Poster Presentations
E. Dagdelen, L. Cummings, L. Kondic, J. Jaquette, M. Illingworth, Understanding Fluid Flux: Topological Data Analysis of Porous Media, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science, NJIT
R. Basak, R. Kozlowski, L.A. Pugnaloni, M. Kramar, J.E. Socolar, C.M. Carlevaro, and L. Kondic, Evolution of force networks during stick-slip motion of an intruder in a granular material: Topological measures extracted from experimental data, Phys. Rev. E, 108, 054903, (2023)
M. J. Taranchuk, L. J. Cummings, T. A. Driscoll, and R. J. Braun, Extensional flow of a free film of nematic liquid crystal with moderate elasticity, Phys. Fluids, 35, 062113, (2023)
P. Bretz, L. Kondic, and M. Kramar, Stochastic methods for slip prediction in a sheared granular system, Phys. Rev. E, 107, 054901, (2023)
B. Gu, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, Flow through pore-size graded membrane pore network, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 8, 044502, (2023)
Selected Poster Presentations
M. Illingworth, L. Kondic, L. J. Cummings, and B. Gu, Correlating Topology anad Performance of Membrane Filter Pore Networks, SIAM-NNP 2023, NJIT
M. Fasano, L. J. Cummings, and L. Kondic, Phase Separation in Binary Mixture via Conservative Volume Force, SIAM-NNP 2023, NJIT
J. D'Addesa, L. Kondic, L. J. Cummings, Stability and Collapse of Holes in Liquid Layers with Vibrations, SIAM-NNP 2023, NJIT
L. Kondic, R. Allaire, L. J. Cummings, Laser Heating and Melting of Metals on Nanoscale: Breakup of Metal Filaments, IHTC 2023, Cape Town, South Africa
D. C. Venerus, O. Machabeli, D. Bushiri, S. M. Arzideh, Evidence for chaotic behavior during the yielding of a soft particle glass, Phys. Rev. L., 129, 068002, (2022)
D. N. Simavilla, V. Ramakrishnan, S. K. Smoukov, D. C. Venerus, Experimental Investigation of Anomalous Molecular Probe Diffusion in Entangled Polymer Melts, Soft Matter, 18, 6200-6208, (2022)
Y. X. Sun, L. Kondic, L. J. Cummings, Filtration with Multiple Species of Particles., Transport in Porous Media, 11, 12, (2022)
R. H. Allaire, L. J. Cummings, L. Kondic., Influence of thermal effects on the breakup of thin films of nanometric thickness, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 064001, (2022)
B. Gu; L. Kondic; and L.J. Cummings, Network-based membrane filters: Influence of network and pore size variability on filtration performance, Journal of Membrane Science, 657, 120668, (2022)
B. Gu, L. Kondic, L.J. Cummings, A Graphical Representation of Membrane Filtration, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 82, 950-975, (2022)
L. A. Pugnaloni, C. M. Carlevaro, R. Kozlowski, H. Zheng, L. Kondic, J. E. S. Socolar, Universal features of the stick-slip dynamics of an intruder moving through a confined granular medium, Phys. Rev. E, 105, L042902, (2022)
M. Kramár, C. Cheng, R. Basak, and L. Kondic, On intermittency in sheared granular systems, Soft Matter, 18, 3583-3593, (2022)
S. Luding, K. Taghizadeh, C. Cheng, and L. Kondic, Understanding slow compression and decompression of frictionless soft granular matter by network analysis, Soft Matter, 18, 1868-1884, (2022)
Selected Poster Presentations
L. Kondic, E. Mema and L. Cummings, Dielectrowetting of a thin nematic liquid crystal layer, 9th International Symposium on Bifurcation and Instabilities in Fluid Dynamics (BIFD), Groningen, Netherlands
PhD Theses
Binan Gu, Stochastic modeling of flows in membrane pore networks, Advisors: L. Cummings, L. Kondic
M. A. Lam, B. Khusid, L. Kondic, and W. V. Meyer, Role of diffusion in crystallization of hard-sphere colloids, Phys. Rev. E, 104, 054607, (2021)
T-S, Lin; Dijksman,J. A.; and Kondic,L., Thin liquid films in a funnel, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 924, A26:1-A26:22, (2021)
L. Kondic and L.J. Cummings, Instabilities of nematic liquid crystal films, Current Opinion in Colloid & Interface Science, 55, 101478, (2021)
R, Basak, C. M. Carlevaro, R. Kozlowski, C. Cheng, L. A. Pugnaloni, M. Kramár, H. Zheng, J. E. S. Socolar, and L. Kondic, Two Approaches to Quantification of Force Networks in Particulate Systems, J. Eng. Mech., 147, 04021100, (2021)
E. Mema, L. Kondic, L. J. Cummings, Dielectrowetting of a thin nematic liquid crystal layer, Phys. Rev. E, 103, 032702, (2021)
M. Kramár, L. Kovalcinova, K. Mischaikow, and L. Kondic, Quantitative measure of memory loss in complex spatiotemporal systems, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 31, 033126, (2021)
L. Hauer, W. S. Y Wong, V. Donadei, K.I. Hegner, L. Kondic, and D. Vollmer, How Frost Forms and Grows on Lubricated Micro- and Nanostructured Surfaces, ACS Nano, 15, 4658-4668, (2021)
R. H. Allaire, L. Kondic, L. J. Cummmings, P. Rack, and M. Fuentes-Cabrera, The Role of Phase Separation on Rayleigh-Plateau Type Instabilities in Alloys, J. Phys. Chem. C, 125, , (2021)
A. U. Oza and D. C. Venerus, The dynamics of parallel-plate and cone–plate flows, Physics of Fluids, 33, 023102, (2021)
J. A. Diez, A. G. González, D. A. Garfinkel, P. Rack, J. T. McKeown, and L. Kondic, Simultaneous Decomposition and Dewetting of Nanoscale Alloys: A Comparison of Experiment and Theory, Langmuir, 37, 2575-2585, (2021)
R. H. Allaire, L. J. Cummings, and L. Kondic, On efficient asymptotic modelling of thin films on thermally conductive substrates, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 915, A133, (2021)
C. Cheng, A. Z. Aghil, and L. Kondic, Correlating the force network evolution and dynamics in slider experiments, EPJ Web Conf., 249, 02007, (2021)
Selected Poster Presentations
Y. Sun, L. Kondic, L. J. Cummings, Filtration with Multiple Species of Particles, InterPore 2021, Online
PhD Theses
Yixuan Sun, Modeling and design optimization for membrane filters, Advisors: L. Cummings, L. Kondic,
Chao Cheng, Intermittent dynamics of dense particulate matter, Advisor: L. Kondic
Ryan Allaire, Modeling Dewetting, Demixing, and Thermal Effects in Nanoscale Metal Films, Advisors: L. Kondic, L. Cummings
J. W. M. Bush and A. U. Oza, Hydrodynamic quantum analogs, Reports on Progress in Physics, 84, 017001, (2020)
M.-A. Y.-H. Lam, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, Effects of spatially-varying substrate anchoring on instabilities and dewetting of thin nematic liquid crystal films, Soft Matter, 16, 10187-10197, (2020)
L. Barnes, G. Pucci, and A. U. Oza, Resonant interactions in bouncing droplet chains, Comptes Rendus. Mécanique, 348, 573--589, (2020)
L. Kondic, A. G. González, J. A. Diez, J. D. Fowlkes, and P. Rack, Liquid-State Dewetting of Pulsed-Laser-Heated Nanoscale Metal Films and Other Geometries, Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, 52, 235-262, (2020)
S. Shah, C. Cheng, P. Jalali, and L. Kondic, Failure of confined granular media due to pullout of an intruder: from force networks to a system wide response, Soft Matter, 16, 7685, (2020)
B. Gu, D. Renaud, P. Sanaei, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, On the influence of pore connectivity on performance of membrane filters, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 902, A5, (2020)
Y. Sun, P. Sanaei, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, Modeling and design optimization for pleated membrane filters, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 044306, (2020)
M. Gameiro, A. Singh, L. Kondic, K . Mischaikow, and J. F. Morris, Interaction network analysis in shear thickening suspensions, Physical Review Fluids, 5, 034307, (2020)
C. M. Carlevaro, R. Kozlowski, L. A. Pugnaloni, H. Zheng, J. E. Socolar, and L. Kondic, Intruder in a two-dimensional granular system: Effects of dynamic and static basal friction on stick-slip and clogging dynamics, Physical Review E, 101, 012909, (2020)
Selected Poster Presentations
Y. Sun, P. Sanaei, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, Modeling and design optimization for pleated membrane filters, InterPore 2020 12th Annual Meeting and short Courses, Qingdao, China
B. Gu, D. Renaud, P. Sanaei, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, Stochastic modelling of adsorption and sieving in membrane filtration on a pore network, InterPore 2020 12th Annual Meeting and short Courses, Qingdao, China
P. Sanaei and L.J. Cummings, Membrane filtration with multiple fouling mechanisms, Physical Review Fluids, 4, 124301, (2019)
A. U. Oza, L. Ristroph, and M. J. Shelley, Lattices of Hydrodynamically Interacting Flapping Swimmers, Physical Review X, 9, 041024, (2019)
R. Kozlowski, M. Carlevaro, K. Daniels, L. Kondic, L.A. Pugnaloni, J. Socolar, H. Zheng, and R. P. Behringer, Dynamics of a grain-scale intruder in a two-dimensional granular medium with and without basal friction, Physical Review E, 100, 032905, (2019)
L. Kondic, Energy propagation through dense granular systems, Granular Matter, 21, 85, (2019)
R. H. Allaire, A. Dhakane, R. Emery, P. Ganesh, P. D. Rack, L. Kondic, L. Cummings, and M. Fuentes-Cabrera, Surface, Interface, and Temperature Effects on the Phase Separation and Nanoparticle Self Assembly of Bi-Metallic Ni0.5Ag0.5: A Molecular Dynamics Study, Nanomaterials, 9, 1040, (2019)
W. Batson, L. J. Cummings, D. Shirokoff, and L. Kondic, Oscillatory thermocapillary instability of a film heated by a thick substrate, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 872, 928-962, (2019)
M.-A. Y.-H. Lam, L. J. Cummings, and L. Kondic, Computing dynamics of thin films via large scale GPU-based simulations, J Comp. Phys.: X, 2, 100001, (2019)
V. Barra, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Thin viscoelastic dewetting films of Jeffreys type subjected to gravity and substrate interactions, The European Physical Journal E, 42, 12, (2019)
Selected Poster Presentations
A. U. Oza, L. Ganedi, M. Shelley, and L. Ristroph, A free-streamline model for a liquid film in a fast flow, Complex analysis in mathematical physics and applications, Cambridge, England
L. Kondic, R. Allaire, L. Cummings, Metal Films of nanoscale thickness: from targeted experiments to predictive modeling and accurate simulations, European Coating Symposium, Heidelberg, Germany
M. Kramar, L. Kovalcinova, K. Mischaikow, L. Kondic, Loss of memory in dense sheared granular systems, StatPhys 27, Buenos Aires, Argentina
R. Basak, C. Cheng, and L. Kondic, Application of Machine Learning techniques to a stick slip dynamics of a particulate media, 4th Annual Packing Problems Conference, Yale University, New Heaven, CT
Y. Sun, P. Sanaei, L. Kondic, and L. J. Cummings, Modeling and Design Optimization for Pleated Membrane Filters, Transport in Disordered Environments, Princeton, NJ
B. Gu, D. Renaud, P. Sanaei, L. Kondic, and L.J. Cummmings, Modeling Connectivity and Asymmetry in Membrane Filters, Transport in Disordered Environments, Princeton, NJ
P. Sanaei, L. J. Cummings, S. L. Waters, and I. M. Griffiths, Curvature- and fluid-stress-driven tissue growth in a tissue-engineering scaffold pore, Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology, 18(3), 589-605, (2018)
I. Cuellar, P. D. Ravazzoli, J. A. Diez, A. G. González, N. A. Roberts, J. D. Fowlkes, P. D. Rack, and L. Kondic, Self-assembly of a drop pattern from a two-dimensional grid of nanometric metallic filaments, Physical Review E, 98, 043101, (2018)
P. Sanaei and L.J. Cummings, Membrane filtration with complex branching pore morphology, Physical Review Fluids, 3, 094305, (2018)
A. U. Oza, R. R. Rosales, and J. W. M. Bush, Hydrodynamic spin states, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 28, 096106, (2018)
L. Kovalcinova, S. Karmakar, M. Schaber, A.-L. Schuhmacher, M. Scheel, M. DiMichiel, M. Brinkmann, R. Seemann, and L. Kondic, Energy dissipation in sheared wet granular assemblies, Physical Review E, 98, 032905, (2018)
L. Ganedi, A. U. Oza, M. Shelley, and L. Ristroph, Equilibrium Shapes and Their Stability for Liquid Films in Fast Flows, Physical Review Letters, 121, 094501, (2018)
V. Barra, S. A. Chester, and S. Afkhami, Numerical simulations of nearly incompressible viscoelastic membranes, Computers & Fluids, 175, 36-47, (2018)
J.A. Dijksman, L. Kovalcinova, J. Ren, R.P. Behringer, M. Kramar, K. Mischaikow, and L. Kondic, Characterizing granular networks using topological metrics, Physical Review E, 97, 042903, (2018)
E. Mema, L. Kondic, and L.J. Cummings, Director gliding in a nematic liquid crystal layer: Quantitative comparison with experiments, Physical Review E, 97, 032704, (2018)
T. Takahashi, A.H. Clark, T. Majmudar, and L. Kondic, Granular response to impact: Topology of the force networks, Physical Review E, 97, 012906, (2018)
I. Seric, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Influence of thermal effects on stability of nanoscale films and filaments on thermally conductive substrates, Physics of Fluids, 30, 012109, (2018)
I. Seric, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Direct numerical simulation of variable surface tension flows using a Volume-of-Fluid method, Journal of Computational Physics, 352, 615-636, (2018)
Arbelaiz, Juncal; Oza, Anand U.; and Bush, John W. M., Promenading pairs of walking droplets: Dynamics and stability, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 3, 013604, (2018)
M. Lam, L.J. Cummings, and L. Kondic, Stability of thin fluid films characterised by a complex form of effective disjoining pressure, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 841, 925-961, (2018)
Selected Poster Presentations
C. Sousa, L. Kondic, and L. Cummmings, Modeling Filtering Process Using Stochastic Simulations of Monte-Carlo Type, APS DFD Annual Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia
R. Allaire, R. Emery, D. Garfinkel, J. Fowlkes, L. Kondic, L. Cummings, P. Rack, M. Fuentes-Cabrera, Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Liquid Metal Alloy Assembly, Center for Nanophase Material Science User Meeting, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, TN
C. Cheng, L. Kovalcinova, M. Kramar, K. Mischaikow, and L. Kondic, The precursors to stick-slip events in sheared granular systems, Soft Matter Conference GRC, Easton, MA
I. Seric, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Direct Computations of Marangoni-Induced Flows Using a Volume of Fluid Method, IMA Workshop on Dynamic Contact Lines: Progress and Opportunities, Minneapolis, MA
L. Kondic, M. Lam, B. Khusid, and W.V. Meyer, Growth and Interaction of Colloid Nuclei under Microgravity, DPG Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany
PhD Theses
Michael-Angelo Y.-H. Lam, Instabilities in nematic liquid crystal films and droplets, Advisors: L. Cummings, L. Kondic
Valeria Barra, Numerical simulations of thin viscoelastic films, Advisors: S. Afkhami, L. Kondic, S. A. Chester
C.A. Hartnett, I. Seric, K. Mahady, L. Kondic, S. Afkhami, J.D. Fowlkes, and P.D. Rack, Exploiting the Marangoni Effect To Initiate Instabilities and Direct the Assembly of Liquid Metal Filaments, Langmuir, 33, 8123-8128, (2017)
L. Kondic, M. Kramár, L. Kovalčinová, and K. Mischaikow, Evolution of force networks in dense granular matter close to jamming, EPJ Web Conf., 140, 15014, (2017)
A. U. Oza, E. Siéfert, D. M. Harris, J. Moláček, and J. W. M. Bush, Orbiting pairs of walking droplets: Dynamics and stability, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 053601, (2017)
K. M. Kurianski, A. U. Oza, and J. W. M. Bush,, Simulations of pilot-wave dynamics in a simple harmonic potential, Physical Review Fluids, 2, 113602, (2017)
F. Font, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Substrate melting during laser heating of nanoscale metal films, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 113, 237-245, (2017)
P. Sanaei, and L.J. Cummings, Flow and fouling in membrane filters: effects of membrane morphology, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 818, 744, (2017)
E. Mema, L. Kondic, and L.J. Cummings, Effects of flexoelectricity and weak anchoring on a Freedericksz transition cell, Physical Review E, 95, 012701, (2017)
PhD Theses
Ivana Seric, Direct computations of Marangoni driven flows using a volume of fluid method, Advisors: S. Afkhami, L. Kondic
Pejman Sanaei, Mathematical modeling of membrane filtration, Advisor: L. Cummings
P. Sanaei, G.W. Richardson, T. Witelski, and L.J. Cummings, Flow and fouling in a pleated membrane filter, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 795, 36-59, (2016)
S . Ramananarivo, F. Fang, A. Oza, J. Zhang, and L. Ristroph, Flow interactions lead to orderly formations of flapping wings in forward flight, Physical Review Fluids, 1, 071201, (2016)
K. Mahady, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, A numerical approach for the direct computation of flows including fluid-solid interaction: Modeling contact angle, film rupture, and dewetting, Physics of Fluids, 28, 062002, (2016)
L. Kovalcinova, A. Goullet, and L. Kondic, Scaling properties of force networks for compressed particulate systems, Physical Review E, 93, 042903, (2016)
N. Dong and L. Kondic, Instability of nanometric fluid films on a thermally conductive substrate, Physical Review Fluids, 1, 063901, (2016)
A.H. Clark, L. Kondic, and R.P. Behringer, Steady flow dynamics during granular impact, Physical Review E, 93, 050901, (2016)
V. Barra, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Interfacial dynamics of thin viscoelastic films and drops, Journal of Non-Newtonian Fluid Mechanics, 237, 26-38, (2016)
S. Afkhami, L.J. Cummings, and I. Griffiths, Interfacial deformation and jetting of a magnetic fluid, Computers & Fluids, 124, 149-156, (2016)
L. D. Tambasco, D. M. Harris, A. U. Oza, R. R. Rosales, and J. W. M. Bush, The onset of chaos in orbital pilot-wave dynamics, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26, 103107, (2016)
Anand U. Oza, Sebastian Heidenreich, and Jörn Dunkel, Generalized Swift-Hohenberg models for dense active suspensions, The European Physical Journal E, 39, 97, (2016)
A. U. Oza and J. Dunkel, Antipolar ordering of topological defects in active liquid crystals, New Journal of Physics, 18, 093006, (2016)
L.A. Pugnaloni, C.M. Carlevaro, M. Kramár, K. Mischaikow, and L. Kondic, Structure of force networks in tapped particulate systems of disks and pentagons. I. Clusters and loops, Physical Review E, 93, 062902, (2016)
L. Kondic, M. Kramár, L.A. Pugnaloni, C.M. Carlevaro, and K. Mischaikow, Structure of force networks in tapped particulate systems of disks and pentagons. II. Persistence analysis, Physical Review E, 93, 062903, (2016)
M. Labousse, A. U. Oza, S. Perrard, and J.W. M. Bush, Pilot-wave dynamics in a harmonic potential: Quantization and stability of circular orbits, Physical Review E, 93, 033122, (2016)
Selected Poster Presentations
M. Lam, L.J. Cummings,T.S. Lin, and L. Kondic, Instabilities in thin nematic liquid crystal films, 13th Conference on Frontiers in Applied and Computational Mathematics, Newark, NJ
PhD Theses
Lenka Kovalcinova, Numerical simulations of dense granular systems with and
without cohesive effects, Advisor: L. Kondic
S. Nesic, R. Cuerno, E. Moro, and L. Kondic, Fully nonlinear dynamics of stochastic thin-film dewetting, Physical Review E, 92, 061002, (2015)
P. Mort, J.N. Michaels, R.P. Behringer, C.S. Campbell, L. Kondic, M. Kheiripour Langroudi, M. Shattuck, J. Tang, G.I. Tardos, and C. Wassgren, Dense granular flow - A collaborative study, Powder Technology, 284, 571-584, (2015)
E. Mema, L. Kondic, and L.J. Cummings, Substrate-induced gliding in a nematic liquid crystal layer, Physical Review E, 92, 062513, (2015)
K. Mahady, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, A volume of fluid method for simulating fluid/fluid interfaces in contact with solid boundaries, Journal of Computational Physics, 294, 243-257, (2015)
K. Mahady, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, On the influence of initial geometry on the evolution of fluid filaments, Physics of Fluids, 27, 092104, (2015)
L. Kovalcinova, A. Goullet, and L. Kondic, Percolation and jamming transitions in particulate systems with and without cohesion, Physical Review E, 92, 032204, (2015)
L. Kondic, N. Dong, Y. Wu, J.D. Fowlkes, and P.D. Rack, Instabilities of nanoscale patterned metal films, The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 224, 369-378, (2015)
M. Hein, S. Afkhami, R. Seemann, and L. Kondic, Capillary focusing close to a topographic step: shape and instability of confined liquid filaments, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 18, 911-917, (2015)
C.A. Hartnett, K. Mahady, J.D. Fowlkes, S. Afkhami, L. Kondic, and P.D. Rack, Instability of Nano-and Microscale Liquid Metal Filaments: Transition from Single Droplet Collapse to Multidroplet Breakup, Langmuir, 31, 13609-13617, (2015)
A.H. Clark, A.J. Petersen, L. Kondic, and R.P. Behringer, Nonlinear force propagation during granular impact, Physical Review Letters, 114, 144502, (2015)
T.G. Anderson, E. Mema, L. Kondic, and L.J. Cummings, Transitions in Poiseuille flow of nematic liquid crystal, International Journal of Nonlinear Mechanics, 75, 15-21, (2015)
S. Afkhami and L. Kondic, On the dewetting of liquefied metal nanostructures, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 94, 5-18, (2015)
M. Lam, L.J. Cummings, T.-S. Lin, and L. Kondic, Three-dimensional coating flow of nematic liquid crystal on an inclined substrate, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 26, 647-669, (2015)
M. Lam, L.J. Cummings, T.-S. Lin, and L. Kondic, Modeling flow of nematic liquid crystal down an incline, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 94, 97-113, (2015)
PhD Theses
Ensela Mema, Mathematical models for polymer-nematic interactions, Advisors: L. Cummings, L. Kondic
Kyle Mahady, Methods for the direct simulation of nanoscale film breakup and
contact angles, Advisors: S. Afkhami, L. Kondic
I. Seric, S. Afkhami, and L. Kondic, Interfacial instability of thin ferrofluid films under a magnetic field, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 755, R1, (2014)
M. Kramár, A. Goullet, L. Kondic, and K. Mischaikow, Evolution of force networks in dense particulate media, Physical Review E, 90, 052203, (2014)
L. Kondic, Simulations of two dimensional hopper flow, Granular Matter, 16, 235-242, (2014)
J.D. Fowlkes, N.A. Roberts, Y. Wu, J.A. Diez, A.G. Gonzalez, C. Hartnett, K. Mahady, S. Afkhami, L. Kondic, and P.D. Rack, Hierarchical nanoparticle ensembles synthesized by liquid phase directed self-assembly, Nano letters, 14, 774-782, (2014)
L.J. Cummings, J. Low, and T.G. Myers, Extensional flow of nematic liquid crystal with an applied electric field, European Journal of Applied Mathematics, 25, 397-423, (2014)
L.J. Cummings, E. Mema, C. Cai, and L. Kondic, Electric-field variations within a nematic-liquid-crystal layer, Physical Review E, 90, 012503, (2014)
J.W. M. Bush, A. U. Oza, and J. Moláček, The wave-induced added mass of walking droplets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 755, R7, (2014)
A. U. Oza, Ø. Wind-Willassen, D. M. Harris, R. R. Rosales, and J. W. M. Bush, Pilot-wave hydrodynamics in a rotating frame: Exotic orbits, Physics of Fluids, 26, 082101, (2014)
A. U. Oza, D. M. Harris, R. R. Rosales, and J. W. M. Bush, Pilot-wave dynamics in a rotating frame: on the emergence of orbital quantization, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 744, 404-429, (2014)
Y. Wu, N. Dong, S. Fu, J.D. Fowlkes, L. Kondic, M.A. Vincenti, D. de Ceglia, and P.D. Rack, Directed liquid phase assembly of highly ordered metallic nanoparticle arrays, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 6, 5835-5843, (2014)
M. Kramár, A. Goullet, L. Kondic, and K. Mischaikow, Quantifying force networks in particulate systems, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 283, 37-55, (2014)
M. Taroni, C.J.W. Breward, L.J. Cummings, and I.M. Griffiths, Asymptotic solutions of glass temperature profiles during steady optical fibre drawing, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 80, 1-20, (2013)
N.A. Roberts, J.D. Fowlkes, K. Mahady, S. Afkhami, L. Kondic, and P.D. Rack, Directed assembly of one-and two-dimensional nanoparticle arrays from pulsed laser induced dewetting of square waveforms, ACS applied materials & interfaces, 5, 4450-4456, (2013)
J.V. Pohlmeyer, S.L. Waters, and L.J. Cummings, Mathematical model of growth factor driven haptotaxis and proliferation in a tissue engineering scaffold, Bulletin of mathematical biology, 75, 393-427, (2013)
J.V. Pohlmeyer, and L.J. Cummings, Cyclic loading of growing tissue in a bioreactor: mathematical model and asymptotic analysis, Bulletin of mathematical biology, 75, 2450-2473, (2013)
T.-S. Lin, L.J. Cummings, A.J. Archer,; L. Kondic,; and U. Thiele, Note on the hydrodynamic description of thin nematic films: Strong anchoring model, Physics of Fluids, 25, 082102, (2013)
T.-S. Lin, L. Kondic, U. Thiele, and L.J. Cummings, Modelling spreading dynamics of nematic liquid crystals in three spatial dimensions, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 729, 214-230, (2013)
M. Kramar, A. Goullet, L. Kondic, and K. Mischaikow, Persistence of force networks in compressed granular media, Physical Review E, 87, 042207, (2013)
L.J. Cummings, C. Cai, and L. Kondic, Towards an optimal model for a bistable nematic liquid crystal display device, Journal of Engineering Mathematics, 80, 21-38, (2013)
L.J. Cummings, C. Cai, and L. Kondic, Bifurcation properties of nematic liquid crystals exposed to an electric field: Switchability, bistability, and multistability, Physical Review E, 88, 012509, (2013)
S. Afkhami and L. Kondic, Numerical simulation of ejected molten metal nanoparticles liquified by laser irradiation: Interplay of geometry and dewetting, Physical Review Letters, 111, 034501, (2013)
A.G. González, J.A. Diez, Y. Wu, J.D. Fowlkes, P.D. Rack, and L. Kondic, Instability of Liquid Cu Films on a SiO2 Substrate, Langmuir, 29, 9378-9387, (2013)
A. U. Oza, R. R. Rosales, and J. W. M. Bush, A trajectory equation for walking droplets: hydrodynamic pilot-wave theory, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 737, 552-570, (2013)
A.G. González, J.A. Diez, and L. Kondic, Stability of a liquid ring on a substrate, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 718, 246-279, (2013)
PhD Theses
Chenjing Cai, Mathematical models for bistable nematic liquid crystal displays, Advisors: L. Cummings, L. Kondic
Jeffrey Vincent Pohlmeyer, Modeling cell proliferation in a perfusion tissue engineering
bioreactor, Advisor: L. Cummings
T.-S. Lin, L. Kondic, and A. Filippov, Thin films flowing down inverted substrates: Three-dimensional flow, Physics of Fluids, 24, 022105, (2012)
T.-S. Lin, L. Kondic, and L.J. Cummings, Defect modeling in spreading nematic droplets, Physical Review E, 85, 012702, (2012)
L. Kondic, A. Goullet, C.S. O'Hern, M. Kramar, K. Mischaikow, and R.P. Behringer, Topology of force networks in compressed granular media, EPL(Europhysics Letters), 97, 54001, (2012)
L. Kondic, X. Fang, W. Losert, C.S. O'Hern, and R.P. Behringer, Microstructure evolution during impact on granular matter, Physical Review E, 85, 011305, (2012)
L.J. Cummings, R. Perez-Castillejos, and E.T. Mack, Analysis of biochemical equilibria relevant to the immune response: finding the dissociation constants, Bulletin of mathematical biology, 74, 1171-1206, (2012)
A.H. Clark, L. Kondic, and R.P. Behringer, Particle scale dynamics in granular impact, Physical Review Letters, 109, 238302, (2012)
T.D. Nguyen, M. Fuentes-Cabrera, J.D. Fowlkes, J.A. Diez, A.G. González, L. Kondic, and P.D. Rack, Competition between Collapse and Breakup in Nanometer-Sized Thin Rings Using Molecular Dynamics and Continuum Modeling, Langmuir, 28, 13960-13967, (2012)
J.D. Fowlkes, L. Kondic, J.A. Diez, A.G. Gonzalez, Y. Wu, N.A. Roberts, C.E. McCold, and P.D. Rack, Parallel assembly of particles and wires on substrates by dictating instability evolution in liquid metal films, Nanoscale, 4, 7376-7382, (2012)
J.A. Diez, A.G. González, and L. Kondic, Instability of a transverse liquid rivulet on an inclined plane, Physics of Fluids, 24, 032104, (2012)
PhD Theses
Te-Sheng Lin, Instabilities in newtonian films and nematic liquid crystal droplets, Advisors: L. Kondic, L. Cummings